
Terms and Conditions


II.         Disclaimer

1.         Claims for damages on the part of the customer are excluded, unless otherwise stated for the reasons below. This also includes claims against representatives and vicarious agents of the provider.

2.         Claims for damages due to injuries to life, limb, health or essential contractual obligations, which are absolutely necessary to achieve the goal of the contract, remain unaffected by this.

3.         This exclusion does not apply to claims for damages based on a grossly negligent or intentional breach of duty on the part of the provider, its legal representative or vicarious agent.

4.         By using the material provided or the information on this website, the user agrees that this is general educational material. Any damage or loss caused by the content provided shall not be attributed to the provider or any of its members.

5.Trading       forex, futures, options and spot forex trading involves a high level of risk. Users should be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them. No money should be traded that cannot be lost. It is strongly discouraged to borrow money for trading.

6.         Representation as a financial analyst does not take place. Profits or losses discussed on this website or in the materials provided are not guarantees of future results. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

III.        Term of Contract and Termination Terms:

1.         Minimum contract period: The contract for copy trading or PAMM has a minimum term of 45 days. Within this period, the contract cannot be terminated prematurely.

2.         Termination procedure: If a customer wishes to terminate the contract after the expiry of the minimum term, this must be done expressly and in writing. For this, official communication via the e-mail address is required. It is also accepted via Telegram without obligation, but can also be rejected in special cases, so it is always recommended by mail.

IV.Automatic Contract Activation and Scope:

1.         Vertragsaktivierung: Mit einem Invest in unsere PAMM Accounts oder das Copy-Trading wird automatisch der entsprechende Vertrag aktiviert. Von unserer Seite aus wird keine weitere Bestätigung der Vertragsaktivierung benötigt.

2.Scope         : The treaty applies to citizens of any jurisdiction, including all EU countries.

3.         Legal status: The status of the contract and the applicable law is the St. Lucia legal system. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of Saint Lucia.


a) Any image or video material, screenshots or information depicting internal systems or the internal performance of the Software may not be distributed or made publicly available without prior written consent.

b) Violations of this confidentiality agreement are subject to a general claim for damages of €25,000.

(d) The existence of international agreements or treaties between the countries concerned does not constitute an exclusion criterion for the enforcement of this clause.

V.        Modification of the T&Cs and other provisions

a) The most up-to-date terms and conditions are always available on our website. It is the customer’s responsibility to check in regularly with any changes, as we cannot proactively notify customers of any changes.

b) Customers who wish to be informed individually of any changes must notify by sending an e-mail to them . We don’t expect to have to research our customers‘ contact details on the internet.

c) Our T&Cs are easy to find and linked in the footer of our website in accordance with European standards.

d) Acceptance of the T&Cs occurs through the use of our services. Customers who do not agree with a change to the T&Cs during their contract period have a special right of termination within the first 45 days after notification of the change.

e) The broker affiliated with the client has its own privacy policy. Acceptance of these provisions is directly between the client and the broker. Any liability on our part with regard to the broker’s privacy policy is excluded.

f) In the event of ambiguities in the T&Cs, every customer is obliged to obtain clarity via official channels before using our services and thus before agreeing to the T&Cs. If this is not done, any ambiguities will be interpreted to the detriment of the customer and not to our disadvantage.

g) We strive to make our T&Cs clear and consistent. If customers notice any inconsistencies or ambiguities, we ask for notification and allow us the opportunity to revise before taking legal action.

VI.       Terms of Termination

a. A customer can terminate the contract after the expiry of the minimum contract period or by giving a special right of termination by sending an e-mail to

b. The Company may terminate the Agreement if the Client publicly portrays the Company in a negative light or engages in misconduct such as threats or insults to Employees without good cause. Such behavior will be reported in accordance with the legal requirements of the customer’s reporting country.

c. The Company may also terminate the Agreement if legal, compliance or other risks arise for our business, or if we are requested to do so by authorities or a higher majeure.

d. The notice period is 5 days (an average within the range you specify).

e. A termination is not effective until it has been confirmed by the Company. In the event of no confirmation, the customer should resend the cancellation via the contact form on the website.

f. Fees already paid will not be refunded. The company has no control over deposits as they are deposited with the partner broker.

g. The handling of data after termination is governed by the partner broker’s privacy policy. The company does not store any customer data itself.

h. After termination, all confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements will continue to apply.

VII.      Force majeure

a. The Company shall not be liable for any delay, non-performance, failure or disruption of its obligations due to circumstances which it could not reasonably foresee or prevent. These circumstances are defined as „Force Majeure“ and include, but are not limited to:

i. natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, tsunamis and droughts;

ii. war, insurrection, terrorism, invasion, armed conflict, embargoes, sanctions or international, national or regional emergencies;

iii. acts of God;

iv. epidemics, pandemics or disease outbreaks;

v. nuclear accidents or radioactive contamination;

vi. industrial disputes, strikes, industrial disputes or boycotts;

vii. Economic difficulties such as recessions, economic crises, sudden market volatility, significant economic data releases;

viii. bank failures, bank or broker runs;

ix. Legal or regulatory action, regulation or restriction;

x. Technical or technological malfunctions, including, but not limited to, disruptions to the Internet, telecommunications or power grid.

a. If, due to a case of force majeure, the Company is unable to fulfill its obligations, it will inform the Client as soon as possible and make all reasonable efforts to resume its obligations. However, the Company is under no obligation to compensate for any loss or damage caused by Force Majeure.

VIII.     Nicht-Verzicht

The failure of The Funds Holding Ltd. to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Any waiver or consent to any breach of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall be effective only if in writing and signed by an authorized representative of The Funds Holding Ltd. Such written consent or waiver applies only to the specifically designated case and does not prevent us from acting in accordance with the Terms in all other cases.

Any failure to take action or tolerance with respect to any breach or failure to comply with these provisions shall not be deemed a waiver or exemption from future violations or non-compliance.


Should one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be or become invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Instead of the invalid or unenforceable provision, it shall be deemed to have been agreed that comes as close as possible to what is intended by the parties and is legally permissible.

In the event that any provision in these Terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the parties will negotiate in good faith to replace such provision with a legally enforceable and valid substitute provision that is as close as possible to the commercial objective of the original provision.

Such adaptation or replacement shall be made in a manner that best preserves the original purpose and purpose of these Terms and Conditions. The same applies to any loopholes.

X.Applicable law

1. All legal relations between the parties shall be governed by the laws of Saint Lucia, to the exclusion of the laws governing the international sale of movable goods. The prerequisites and effects of the retention of title, on the other hand, are governed by the law of the respective location of the object, insofar as the choice of law made in favour of English law is inadmissible or invalid.

The parties hereby expressly confirm their choice of applicable law.


1. Information by the Company: The Company is under no obligation to inform customers individually of any changes or other relevant information, as we do not have direct contact details of the customers. Customers are responsible for regularly checking our website for updates and changes.

2. Notifications by the Client: Clients who wish to contact or inform the Company must send their notifications to the email addresses specified in the T&Cs. Such notification shall not be deemed to have been received and accepted until the Client receives confirmation from the Company. In the absence of confirmation within a reasonable period of time, the Client is required to contact the Company again via the contact form on the Website.

The parties hereby acknowledge and agree that the above provisions are binding on notifications.

XII.      Referral Program

a. Definition: Customers have the opportunity to participate in [Your Business Name] Referral Program. As part of this program, customers can promote our products and, where applicable, benefit from compensation or other benefits.

b. Restrictions: Customers may not pass off our content as their own or in any way represent that they are an official representation or part of [your business name] unless expressly authorized in writing.

c. Conclusion of the Contract via the Broker: The conclusion of the Contract within the framework of the Referral Program is carried out through the Partner Broker. Clients must ensure that they have also read and understood the Partner Broker’s T&Cs and other relevant terms and conditions, as these may set separate and supplemental terms and conditions to govern the business relationship.

d. Remuneration: The exact terms and conditions of any remuneration or other benefits arising from the Referral Program will be determined separately and may be amended from time to time. It is the customer’s responsibility to check back regularly for any changes.

e. Limitation of Liability: The Funds Holding Ltd. accepts no liability for any breach of contract caused by the Partner Broker. Likewise, we will not be liable for any claims arising from acts or omissions of clients under the Referral Program that violate these T&Cs or the Partner Broker’s terms.

XIII.Intellectual          Property

a. All content, trademarks, service marks, business models, patents, copyrights, database rights, and existing and future inventions on and in connection with the Platform are the exclusive property of [your company]. Any use, reproduction, modification or distribution of this content without the express written consent of [your company] is strictly prohibited.

Any content, information or materials shared, published or uploaded by customers on the Platform may be considered our property, or at least a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free right to use, reproduce, adapt or publish.

c. It is strictly prohibited to engage in any activity aimed at deciphering, extracting or replicating the source code, structure or conceptual aspects of the Platform, Software or other proprietary content.

d. Third parties may only link to our content, services or products in a manner that has been previously approved in writing by The Funds Holding Ltd.

e. The Funds Holding Ltd. assumes no responsibility or liability for any content or intellectual property of third parties linked to or presented in any form on our platform.

f. If any third party or customer becomes aware of a suspected infringement of intellectual property on our platform, they should notify us immediately via

g. The rights granted in these T&Cs in relation to content or intellectual property shall remain in force even after termination or expiry of the contractual relationship, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

h. Clients agree to indemnify The Funds Holding Ltd. should they use intellectual property in a manner not covered by these Terms and Conditions that gives rise to legal claims against [your company].

i. The Funds Holding Ltd. reserves the right to collect and use images, media or other materials from users or participants in events. The exact terms and uses of these materials will be set out in separate agreements.


1. The Funds Holding Ltd. Fees: There is a 25% fee for the use of The Funds Holding Ltd. services. However, this fee can be adjusted through individual agreements, communicated offers, or higher deposits. Details of these fees and possible adjustments are set out in the contract with the broker.

2. Broker Fees: In addition to The Funds Holding Ltd.’s fees, the client may pay fees to the broker in the form of spread and lot commission. These fees are set directly by the broker and may vary.

3. Best Execution: The Funds Holding Ltd. always strives to negotiate the most competitive fees with brokers in the best interests of all parties. Nevertheless, The Funds Holding Ltd. cannot guarantee that the fees set by the brokers will always be the cheapest on the market.

4. Adjustment of Broker Fees: In some cases, The Funds Holding Ltd., in consultation with the brokers, may adjust the fees in order to achieve better conditions for clients. Such adjustments will be communicated transparently and will only come into force after appropriate notification.

5. Transparency: All fees, both those charged by The Funds Holding Ltd. and those charged by the broker, should be clear and transparent to the client. It is recommended that clients familiarize themselves with the respective fee structures before using The Funds Holding Ltd. services.


The Client acknowledges and agrees that should a court decide that The Funds Holding Ltd. requires its own T&Cs, the obligations and rights described herein will not automatically be transferred to The Funds Holding Ltd., but will be given priority to the Partner Broker. The Funds Holding Ltd. reserves the right to Right to transfer rights and obligations under these T&Cs to third parties if it is necessary for the business model or for legal reasons. Such transfer will not affect the Customer’s rights under these T&Cs.

XVI.    Entire Agreement

These T&Cs constitute the entire agreement between The Funds Holding Ltd. and the Client and supersede all prior written or oral agreements, negotiations, undertakings or understandings with respect to the subject matter hereunder. The Customer acknowledges that it has not relied on any representations, promises or undertakings that are not set out in these T&Cs. Changes or additions to these terms and conditions must be made in writing. By using our service, the customer automatically accepts these terms and conditions in their current version.

XVII.   Independent Contractors

– Both parties act as independent contractors. This contractual relationship does not create a joint venture, partnership, employment relationship or agency relationship.

– Neither party is authorized or authorized to enter into any obligations or make any representations in the name or on behalf of the other party.

– Any agreements made within the framework of this service constitute exclusively a contractual relationship between the client and the relevant third-party provider, in particular the partner broker.

– Communications that could be construed as an offer, solicitation or recommendation are not to be interpreted as such, unless they are expressly designated as such.

– Each party confirms that it conducts its business activities independently of the other party and that there is no legal obligation to act in the interest of or at the direction of the other party.

XVIII.Splitting            with regard to primacy

– These T&Cs of The Funds Holding Ltd. are designed in such a way that, as a rule, they do not take precedence over the T&Cs of the Partner Broker. Clients trade on the broker, deposit money there independently and have to connect to all services independently, accepting the respective terms and conditions.

– If, however, any provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be modified to the extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable without affecting the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

– If such modification is not possible, the provision in question will be deemed to be severable to the extent necessary to keep the remaining provisions of this Agreement valid and effective.

– Both parties acknowledge that it is in their mutual interest that in the event that any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement will continue in full force and effect as long as the T&Cs of The Funds Holding Ltd. do not conflict with those of the Partner Broker.

XIX.    Non-Disclosure Obligations

The parties undertake to maintain confidentiality about all knowledge gained in the course of this cooperation, i.e. in particular about the business activities and customer contacts of the customer on the one hand, and about the support services and shared knowledge of the partner on the other. This obligation of confidentiality also includes, in particular, all economic aspects of the customer’s business activities and the claims arising from them by the shareholder. Information and documents relating to this may only be provided or forwarded to members of the tax and/or legal professions who are bound by a statutory or professional duty of confidentiality. The obligation of confidentiality shall apply beyond the date of termination of the contract.

For the duration of the contractual cooperation, the customer is not entitled, in accordance with the Anti-Money-Loundrey Compliance, to perform its activities in the name and/or account of third parties, to participate in comparable third-party companies – regardless of their legal form – or to establish companies themselves in other forms of corporate law, unless it is ensured by supplementary contractual agreements that the customer is also liable for other companies.  The turnover generated by companies or companies is remunerated in accordance with the „Remuneration“ section of these T&Cs.

XX.     Succession   arrangements

Both The Funds Holding Ltd. and the Client are entitled to transfer their businesses to other forms of corporate law, e.g. to establish companies. In this case, the parties already agree on a transfer of these contractual provisions to the respective successor or replacement companies or companies with a continuation of the above-mentioned contractual obligations of the respective provision of service and consideration. If this is not permissible in individual cases due to the prohibition of contracts to the detriment of third parties, the parties already undertake to conclude identical terms and conditions with the shareholder when founding the successor companies or companies, which correspond to the identical contractual framework conditions. If such a succession arrangement is already made in the first year of the contract term, the contract terms from this contract will be credited to any contract to be concluded with this successor.

XXI.    Intellectual property, rights of use and exploitation

1.All    industrial property rights, copyrights, trademarks, designs, utility models and other intellectual property rights of a Contracting Party existing at the time of conclusion of this Agreement, in particular – but not limited to – secret know-how, shall remain the exclusive property and, in the absence of an express agreement to the contrary, the exclusive right of use and exploitation of the respective Contracting Party.

2.         All work results of completed and unfinished work achieved by the Client, alone or together with other contractors, in the performance or on the occasion of the provision of the service, including all notes, plans, formulas, concepts, technical improvements made, inventions, trademarks, designs and utility models and other results, including the Confidential Information (the Confidential Information (the „Work Results“) are the right of the Client.

3.        The client undertakes to disclose all work results that are eligible for intellectual property rights to The Funds Holding Ltd. without undue delay

4.         For purposes other than the provision of services under this Agreement, the Cooperation Partner may use the results of the work only with the written consent of the Client.

5.         To the extent that the Work Results developed by the Client are subject to copyright protection, the Client hereby waives, to the extent permitted by law, all rights it may have in relation to the Work Results and grants the Participant the exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, transferable and in all respects unrestricted right of exploitation and use for all known and as yet unknown types of exploitation and use. This includes, in particular, the right to reproduce, transfer to image, sound and data carriers, disseminate, edit, redesign or translate the above-mentioned work results without the express consent of the cooperation partner, and to publish and exploit them in modified form or in the original. Furthermore, the shareholder is entitled, without separate consent, to transfer this right in whole or in part to others or to grant rights of use to others. The same applies to any legal successors. The above provisions shall continue to apply indefinitely after the termination of this Agreement.

6.        The Client undertakes, both during the term of this Agreement and thereafter, to assist the Partner in the acquisition of intellectual property rights upon request and to make all necessary declarations for this purpose.

7.        All remuneration claims of the Client for the transfer of the above rights to the Client shall be settled by the aforementioned remuneration of the Client. Without prejudice to applicable mandatory statutory provisions, the customer shall not be entitled to an adjustment of the agreed remuneration or to payment of any further remuneration

XXII.   Preservation and release of documents, return of property

1.          Alle Informationen und Unterlagen, die der Kunden anlässlich und im Rahmen der Erbringung der Dienstleistungen von The Funds Holding Ltd. erhalten oder erstellt hat, sind sorgfältig und gegen die Einsichtnahme unbefugter Dritter geschützt aufbewahren. Alle von den Teilhabenden für die Zwecke der Erbringung der vertraglichen Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung gestellten Arbeitsmittel und sonstiges sich im Besitz des Kunden befindliches Eigentum des Teilhabenden sind pfleglich zu behandeln.

2.         Während der Laufzeit dieses Vertrages hat der Kunde alle Unterlagen und Aufzeichnungen, die er im Zusammenhang mit der Vertragsdurchführung von The Funds Holding Ltd. erhalten oder erstellt hat, unverzüglich nach Anforderung an diesen herauszugeben und sämtliche Daten und Software, einschließlich der Quell- und Objektcode unverzüglich nach Aufforderung zu löschen. Nach der Beendigung dieses Vertrages haben die Löschung und Herausgabe unverzüglich ohne Aufforderung zu erfolgen. Dies gilt auch für die Herausgabe von den von dem Teilhabenden für die Zwecke der Erbringung der vertraglichen Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung gegebenenfalls gestellten Arbeitsmittel oder von sonstigem sich im Besitz des Kunden befindlichen Eigentum von The Funds Holding Ltd… Die Geltendmachung eines Zurückbehaltungsrechts ist ausgeschlossen. Die vollständige Rückgabe aller Unterlagen sowie die Löschung von allen Programmkopien und Daten auf sämtlichen Speichermedien sind schriftlich zu bestätigen.

XXIII.   Vertrauliche Informationen

Vertrauliche Informationen im Sinne dieser Vereinbarung sind sämtliche Informationen (ob schriftlich, elektronisch, mündlich, digital verkörpert oder in anderer Form), die von The Funds Holding Ltd. an den Kunden oder einem mit dem Kunden im verbundenen Unternehmen zum vorgenannten Zweck offenbart werden. Als vertrauliche Informationen gelten insbesondere:

Geschäftsgeheimnisse, Produkte, Herstellungsprozesse, Know-how, Erfindungen, geschäftliche Beziehungen, Geschäftsstrategien, Businesspläne, Finanzplanung, Personalangelegenheiten, digital verkörperte Informationen (Daten); Jegliche Unterlagen und Informationen des Teilhabenden, die Gegenstand technischer und organisatorischer Geheimhaltungsmaßnahmen sind und als vertraulich gekennzeichnet oder nach der Art der Information oder den Umständen der Übermittlung als vertraulich anzusehen sind; das Bestehen dieser Vereinbarung und ihr Inhalt.

Keine vertraulichen Informationen sind solche Informationen, die der Öffentlichkeit vor der Mitteilung oder Übergabe durch den Teilhabenden bekannt oder allgemein zugänglich waren oder dies zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ohne Verstoß gegen eine Geheimhaltungspflicht werden; die dem Kooperationspartner bereits vor der Offenlegung durch den Teilhabenden und ohne Verstoß gegen eine Geheimhaltungspflicht nachweislich bekannt waren;

die von dem Kunden ohne Nutzung oder Bezugnahme auf vertrauliche Informationen von dem The Funds Holding Ltd. selbst gewonnen wurden; oder die The Funds Holding Ltd. von einem berechtigten Dritten ohne Verstoß gegen eine Geheimhaltungspflicht übergeben oder zugänglich gemacht werden.

XXIV.  Rückgabe vertraulicher Informationen

1.         . Die Parteien werden Unterlagen, die sie jeweils vom anderen im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung usw. erhalten haben, nach Bekanntwerden der Offenkundigkeit, Kündigung der Absichtserklärung gem. § 1 S.1 oder Beendigung des Vertrages über die Zusammenarbeit unverzüglich dem jeweiligen Informationsgeber zurückgeben. (Anmerkung: Sofern die vertraulichen Informationen auch personenbezogene Daten enthalten, sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass aufgrund der Vorgaben der DS-GVO, insb. Art. 17, ggf. abweichende Regelungen zur Löschung angezeigt sind.)

2.          Auf Aufforderung des Teilhabenden sowie ohne Aufforderung spätestens nach Erreichung des Zwecks ist der Kooperationspartner verpflichtet, sämtliche vertraulichen Informationen einschließlich der Kopien hiervon innerhalb von zehn (10) Arbeitstagen nach Zugang der Aufforderung bzw. nach Beendigung des Projektes zurückzugeben oder zu vernichten (einschließlich elektronisch gespeicherter vertraulicher Informationen), sofern nicht mit dem Teilhabenden vereinbarte oder gesetzliche Aufbewahrungspflichten dem entgegenstehen.

3.          Die Vernichtung elektronisch gespeicherter vertraulicher Informationen erfolgt durch die vollständige und unwiderrufliche Löschung der Dateien oder unwiederbringliche Zerstörung des Datenträgers. Vollständige und unwiderrufliche Löschung bedeutet bei elektronisch gespeicherten vertraulichen Informationen, dass die vertraulichen Informationen derart gelöscht werden, dass jeglicher Zugriff auf diese Informationen unmöglich wird, wobei spezielle Löschverfahren (z.B. mittels „Wiping“) zu verwenden sind, welche den anerkannten Standards genügen (bspw. Standards des Bundesamts für Informationssicherheit).

4.          Ausgenommen hiervon sind – neben vertraulichen Informationen, bzgl. derer eine Aufbewahrungspflicht i.S.d. Abs. 2 besteht – Vertrauliche Informationen, deren Vernichtung bzw. Rückgabe technisch nicht möglich ist, z.B. da sie aufgrund eines automatisierten elektronischen Backup-Systems zur Sicherung von elektronischen Daten in einer Sicherungsdatei gespeichert wurden; hierzu zählt auch das technisch notwendige Vorhalten von Stammdaten (z.B. Personal- oder Kundennummern), welches nötig ist, um eine Verknüpfung zu den archivierten Informationen herzustellen.

5.          Auf Verlangen des Teilhabenden hat der Kooperationspartner schriftlich zu versichern, dass er sämtliche vertrauliche Informationen nach den Maßgaben der vorstehenden Ziffern und den Weisungen des Teilhabenden vollständig und unwiderruflich gelöscht hat.

XXV.   Nutzungs- und Verwertungsrechte

1.         Der Teilhabende hat, unbeschadet der Rechte, die er nach dem Geschäftsgeheimnisgesetz hat, hinsichtlich der vertraulichen Informationen alle Eigentums-, Nutzungs- und Verwertungsrechte. Der Teilhabende behält sich das ausschließliche Recht zur Schutzrechtsanmeldung vor. Der Kooperationspartner erwirbt kein Eigentum oder – mit Ausnahme der Nutzung für den oben beschriebenen Zweck – sonstige Nutzungsrechte an den vertraulichen Informationen (insbesondere an Know-how, darauf angemeldeten oder erteilten Patenten, Urheberrechten oder sonstigen Schutzrechten) aufgrund dieser Vereinbarung oder sonst wegen konkludenten Verhaltens.

2.         Der Kooperationspartner hat es zu unterlassen, die vertraulichen Informationen außerhalb des Zwecks in irgendeiner Weise selbst wirtschaftlich zu verwerten oder nachzuahmen (insbesondere im Wege des sog. „Reverse Engineering“) oder durch Dritte verwerten oder nachahmen zu lassen und insbesondere auf die vertraulichen Informationen gewerbliche Schutzrechte – insbesondere Marken, Designs, Patente oder Gebrauchsmuster – anzumelden.