
Risk Disclaimer


Risk disclosure: Trading in financial instruments, exchange-traded derivatives and/or cryptocurrencies involves a high level of risk at all times, including the risk of losing part or all of the amount invested. Depending on the investment, more than the invested capital may also be lost. Therefore, we would like to strongly point out that stock market trading may not be suitable for all investors. The prices of indices, federal, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and currency pairs are extremely volatile and can be affected by external factors such as financial, regulatory, or political events.

We expressly point out that The Funds Holding Ltd. and the Associated Brand Names are not local licensed financial service providers and we do not provide licensed required financial advice and/or support. In addition, we do not provide licensed required investment recommendations, licensed required financial portfolio management or investment brokerage at any time. The final placement is carried out by PuPrime Ltd.

Risk Disclosure: Trading in financial instruments and/or cryptocurrencies involves high levels of risk and is not fully recommended, including the risk of losing some or all of your investment amount, and may not be suitable for all investors. The prices of cryptocurrencies and currency pairs are extremely volatile and can be affected by external factors such as financial, regulatory, or political events. Trading on margin increases financial risks. We are not a financial service provider, neither in Germany nor in the United Arab Emirates, and do not offer financial advice, provide investment recommendations or investment brokerage at any time. We do not manage the capital of third parties and do not offer account management.

The closing brokerage is carried out by PuPrime Ltd., the broker.

The Funds Holding Ltd. is not an licensed required investment services company, an licensed required investment company or an investment corporation.

We only offer CopyTrading. This means that we trade our CFDs account privately and offer interested parties the opportunity to copy these positions through social trading. We do not act as consultants or intermediaries at any time and expressly distance ourselves from them. At CopyTrading, each affiliated account trades at their own risk with full ownership. Aswell we offer CFD based Asset Management as special form of copy trading which is not locally licensed required

Signal Service: Our signal service is at no time a trading or investment recommendation. We only share in our service the ability to take over our trading positions. This is done at all times completely autonomously by third parties and does not constitute an investment or investment recommendation. The risk and responsibility lie with the customer at all times. The passing on of the signals, also known as trading positions, is prohibited. The signals can be traded on your own responsibility in any trading account with any broker itself. In doing so, we do not guarantee events and do not accept any responsibility for any losses or profits that may arise.

The Funds Holding Ltd. appears here under the brand name Associated Brand Names. We do not provide licensed required investment advice, licensed required investment recommendation, licensed required portfolio advice or licensed required capital management. Our offers expressly point out that all positions and actions apply to the complete personal responsibility of the customer or the product purchaser.

Market information and/or news, analysis or strategies are only private and personal approaches that can be presented for learning purposes. In doing so, the user assures that he or she does not see this as a recommendation.

Our analyses and opinions are based on freely accessible knowledge databases such as Please inform yourself at all times and consider our statements as personal opinions.

Please note that trading financial instruments always involves risk. Depending on the broker, losses may occur over and above the account balances. Inform yourself about general risks beforehand. Trading in options, CFDs, CFDs, shares, and similar listed financial derivatives is based on speculative events. Thus, we act according to probabilities and not according to collateral.

Financial products with leverage can offer an increased risk potential and should only be used by competent persons. We cannot provide advice in this sense and make no recommendations.

The learning materials provided only serve as personal learning materials for personal use. However, the resulting actions take place completely autonomously and under the complete responsibility of the user.

Our service portfolio includes copy trading (please inform yourself about legality and other modalities before starting copy trading in your country of residence), the signal service (no investment recommendation, only shown entries and exits of a trading position and learning material for independent trading on the stock exchange.

We do not guarantee profits with any of our services and do not accept any liability for any occurring events such as profits or losses.

Thus, no investment recommendations, banking transactions, investment advice, account management or other financially effective services are given. By receiving one of our services, the user agrees to these terms and conditions and assures that they are aware of the risk, that they are able to assess it personally and that they act completely on their own responsibility.

As a user or interested party, please inform yourself in advance about the tax situation of services such as these. Trading on the world markets is subject to strict rules and financial benefits and income must be taxed accordingly in accordance with the legal situation in your country/place of residence. Again, we do not give any recommendation or advice. Other and alternative services offered will be handled in accordance with local legal requirements.